As we head out of lockdown and our pace of life begins to pick up, we will all be jotting down lists and hopefully making plans for the summer! The VENT for change stylish notes books, list pads and pencils that we stock would be perfect for doing this or would make lovely gifts!
VENT products are not only stylish, but they are also striving to be sustainable, placing protecting our planet at the heart of their mission. They do this by using FSC certified paper and using recycled materials in their products.
This lovely Stationery is available in our online store.

What makes us most excited about stocking VENT products is that they support education projects throughout the world by supporting Plan International UK and through their Share a Pencil Day scheme.
Plan International UK has been supporting children for 75 years in all sorts of ways from providing famine relief, to healthcare, to education. All the money given through is VENT is used exclusively to support their education projects. These projects take place all over the world and are providing better facilities to existing schools, training more teachers and encouraging communities to educate girls as well as boys.
Share a Pencil Day is an annual event run by VENT to raise awareness of global education issues. They provide fun and interactive ways for teachers and pupils to learn about why so many around the world are missing out on an education.