How long have you known about Fair Trade?
I can’t think of a time when I haven’t known about Fair Trade. As a child I used to help my mum unpack and price up boxes of fairly traded crafts which she sold through our church. Buying Fairtrade tea, coffee and bananas was ‘the norm’ in our house when I was growing up, so I have continued to choose to spend a bit more money of these things so that I can be sure that the people who have grown them haven’t been exploited – this is something that is really important to me.
What is your favourite fair trade product?
It’s so hard for me to pick one product! I love so much of what we sell. I absolutely love the Tony’s Chocolonely chocolate (all flavours!) and the Just Trade Jewellery.

What do you enjoy most outside of work?
I love to spend time with my family – my husband and my children, as well as my extended family who I am blessed to have so much of living nearby. I enjoy going to the gym and spending time in my garden. I also love to meet up with my friends to for a drink and chat!
Where is your favourite place to go in Sheffield?
I really love to visit the Botanical Gardens, I spent a lot of time there when my children were small! I have many happy memories of spending time there as a child and taking my beloved and dearly missed Grandma to watch the Shakespeare plays in the gardens.
How did you get involved in the shop?
I was involved in the setting up of the shop with my mum and have been one of it’s supporters since it opened. After having 7 years off work since having my eldest child my mum offered me the chance to work here on a Friday and in exchange she and my dad would look after my children! I thought it was a pretty good deal (for me anyway!) so I snapped them up on their offer! I now work three days in the shop and manage the social media platforms and website. I have also recently become a director, so am involved in making more strategic decisions around the business.
How do you make your children aware of fair trade and its impact?
When they were small we would look for the Fairtrade mark on things we buy from the supermarket, which they were always very good at spotting! I talk honestly with my children about poverty and how important it is to be kind and look after those in need and how Fair Trade is such an easy way to do this. As a Christian, I believe that everything we have is a blessing from God and am so thankful for the privileged lives we lead. I believe that it is our duty to stand up for the poor and oppressed at every opportunity – one way to do that is through the purchase of Fair Trade items”
Finally… What’s your favourite film?
I love “The Sound of Music”! I love to sing a long to all of the songs, and have recently introduced my daughter to it and she is also now a massive fan!

Meet the rest of the Good Taste team.