Nadiia has recently become part of the Good Taste team after needing to leave Ukraine and make Sheffield her new home. Living in Broomhill with Saskia and her family has helped her to get used to the community here, and she has previously worked at other local businesses before starting to work with us. We are delighted to have her as part of the team – and hope all our customers will enjoy getting to know her better.
hello nadiia, How did you get involved with working at Good Taste?
I got involved through Saskia (who I live with), she is moving and suggested I replace her!
Why do you think Fair Trade is important?
Fair Trade is important because money from sales go directly to people who make products. And that’s how it should be. Not to big companies like Amazon, that unfairly take most of money.
What is your favourite product?
I really like the rice from Africa
What do you like about living in Sheffield?
That Sheffield is a very green city and the people are friendly and talkative
What do you do in your spare time?
I like to do art, travel, go to concerts and festivals and read books, but I want to find more time for books.